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Autumn's Puddle Ducks' Journey

Autumn's Mummy has been blogging about our lessons. Take a look at what she has to say!

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Autumn's Puddle Ducks' Journey!

Autumn's Mummy Blogs about Puddle Ducks lessons!

Autumn’s Mummy has been documenting Autumn’s lessons at Hilltop Primary School, and we wanted to share their story so far!

Read Autumn’s Mummys’ full blog post, here!

We are so delighted to hear that Autumn is making progress in her lessons, and can’t wait to read the next instalment!

“I thought swimming would be a fantastic bonding experience for us both. However, most of all, I thought it would be great for her. There are many health benefits to it. Amongst other things, it helps babies, toddlers and children improve their coordination and it builds their muscles. When she was younger, I also found that it tired Autumn out so much she’d have an absolutely huge nap! So, if you’re desperate for sleep, you might want to give swimming a go!”