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Star of the Month Summer Spectacular!!!!!

Our Summer term has ended with a bang!!

What a way to end our Summer Term with a "Star of the Month" nomination from every single one of our teachers!!! 

A massive congratulations to all our swimming stars, we have some VERY proud teachers!

The following are all with us at The Key Health Club:

Kitty, a Little Dipper was nominated by her teacher Alex:

"Kitty has been working really hard at her coordination of kicking, reaching and blowing bubbles this term and I'm really seeing some great progress. Well done Kitty!"

Nina, a Little Dipper was nominated by her teacher Alex:

"Nina has finally started kicking after a very long period of letting Mum do all the work. She's doing so well now and never fails to make me smile. You are a star!"

Aegan is a Dipper was nominated by his teacher Laura: 

"Aegan is always excited and ready for his lesson each week. He is full of smiles and enthusiasm, always happy to help to demonstrate activities and tries his hardest in learning and developing his swimming skills. I have been teaching Aegan for a long time now and it has been wonderful to be apart of his swimming journey. He has recently achieved his 5 metre distance award and is now ready to moves on to Swim Academy in September. I will really miss him, but I know he will shine in level 2. His new swimming teachers will be very lucky to have him. Enjoy Swim Academy, Aegan!" 

Cleo is a Dipper was nominated by her teacher Laura: 

"Cleo loves all aspects of her swimming lessons. She comes in happy and leaves with a beaming smile. Her confidence in her own swimming skills have come on so much within the last year. She is a fantastic swimmer, who has achieved her 5 metre award recently and is swimming independently on her back aswell. She will shine in Swim Academy and I know she will love the new challenges that are to come in developing her swimming even further. Well done Cleo!"

Joseph, a Little Dipper was nominated by his teacher Pam:

"Joseph’s confidence has come on in leaps and bounds recently. He has not only decided that he is happy put his face in water - but has started to surface dive and put his head down for swims! Well done Joseph, I’m really proud of you!"

Seb, who is in Level 1 Swim Academy was nominated by his teacher Rachael:

"Seb has been really working hard in his lessons and it's starting to pay off. Seb loves to be under the water, but has been concentrating hard on keeping his head above the water, so he is ready for his turn at swimming. He is now starting to add his breathing in, as he is progressing towards his 5m, and is amazing at Butterfly legs. We may have found his stroke. Well done Seb - super proud of your hard work!"
Kit, who is in Level 4 Swim Academy was nominated by his teacher Lizzi:
"Kit started in Swim Academy just before I started teaching for Puddle Ducks and I have seen him blossom into a confident capable swimmer. He has always tried his best with all aspects of the lesson, even if it was a struggle but he always over came these struggles and is now finishing with us after smashing his 50m distance award. Kit, please continue your swimming journey and I am sure we will bump into each other in our other love - Scouting!!"
Lucia, who is in Level 2 Swim Academy was nominated by her teacher Cate:
"Lucia struggled a little when she first joined us in Level 2 from being in Dippers, but she has now started to make really good progress, in particular with her front crawl (rolling). She recently achieved her 10m distance award and those skills are also getting ticked off now. Well done Lucia, you have worked really hard this term and I am very proud of you!"

The following Dippers - Alfie, Isabella and Sofia from The Nottingham Hilton Hotel were all nominated by their teacher, Nikola:

"You have all worked so hard this whole term and are gaining so much confidence and independence. I am so proud of how you all listen to instructions and week on week just get better and better! You are all learning to be graceful swimmers with beautiful stokes, and best of all doing it all with smiles, giggles and fun! I love teaching you all and I never stop smiling either! 

We hope you all have a lovely Summer with lots of super swimming!! Well done everyone x


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